Manchester Transit


Graphic Designer, Project Lead


Illustrator, After Effects

About the Project

The Manchester Transit Authority serves as the public transportation system of Manchester, New Hampshire’s largest city. The MTA represents a ridership of nearly 500,000, making it also the largest and most far-reaching public transit option in the region. Since its inception in the 70s, the MTA had utilized the same brand - they needed something fresh to keep up with their evolving identity. The MTA ran a challenge with local colleges to introduce a clean, modern brand that would attract new audiences and promote public transit as a smart, reliable option.

Out of more than two dozen applicants, my pitch was approved, and the logo and bus facade that I designed were chosen to represent the MTA.

The logomark has been designed to hint at motion, resembling lines of moving traffic. It is energetic, bringing the vibrant and updated feel the MTA sought.

Dropping the word “authority” from the visual also creates a more approachable feel, while the red still communicates a strong, dependable tone.

The new logo offers flexibility for all kinds of use cases. It is optimized for any size or colorway, static or dynamic, digital or print.


The new exterior is simple but striking. The red busses are highly visible, even in New England’s snowy winters.

The design also fulfills a major request from the client: cost-effective application. The paint job can be accomplished through in-house efforts.

It’s striking how much more modern and inviting the new design is ... We’re redesigning our service to [meet regional needs], and this rebranding helps to demonstrate that metamorphosis.
— Mike Whitten, Executive Director of the MTA

“It’s striking how much more modern and inviting the new design is ... The genesis for the idea came in 2012 when we rebranded the then-Downtown Circulator into the Green DASH. Without changing the route or timing, just a new design and image, we saw ridership triple. That was a proof of concept to me as to the power of a brand and an image in attracting customers to our services. ... Transportation needs have changed, and today, people need to access the entire region to reach employment, health care, school, and shopping. We’re redesigning our service to meet that regional need, and this rebranding helps to demonstrate that metamorphosis.”

-Mike Whitten, interviewed by NH Union Leader



